Konačna lista recenzenata Humanistike biće objavljena odmah po zaključenju liste recenzenata. Ukoliko ispunjavate kriterijume iz Akta o uređivanju naučnih časopisa kao i propisane standarde Humanistike, možete se prijaviti za recenzenta Humanistike. Kandidati koji ispune uslove biće obavešteni o odluci Redakcije. Da bi ste se prijavili za recenzenta potrebno je da popunite elektronski obrazac prijave ispod:
The final list of reviewers Humanities will be published immediately after the conclusion of the list of reviewers. If you meet the criteria in the Act of editing scientific journals as well as the prescribed standards of the Humanities, you can apply for the Humanities reviewers. Candidates who meet the requirements will be informed of the decision of the Editorial Board. To register for the reviewers need to fill out an electronic application form below: